Savings Goals

Savings Goals

Looking to save up for a vacation? To build your emergency fund? What about saving for college? Setting goals is the best way to reach them! Our Savings Goal system allows you to create multiple goals, decide when you need to achieve those goals, and choose how often you can save! You’ll then be shown what you need to put away each week or month to hit that goal! Your Savings Goal report will allow you to track your progress, showing you how much of your goal you’ve completed and allowing you to add any additional money at any time!



You hear about Net Worth all of the time, but do you know yours? Our Net Worth system makes it easy to track to your assets and liabilities, calculating your current Net Worth. The Net Worth report will track your results over time – and you can update and frequently as you would like! Tracking your Net Worth is a great way to start increasing your Net Worth, allowing you to discover what liabilities you need to eliminate and finding ways to add value to your assets!